Is Your Pet at Risk for Diabetes?

Is Your Pet at Risk for Diabetes?

Is Your Pet at Risk for Diabetes? November is National Pet Diabetes Month, and with an estimated one in 300 dogs and one in 200 cats developing the disease during their lifetime, it’s important for pet owners to recognize the risk factors and signs.    What factors...

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5 Signs Your Pet Has Allergies

5 Signs Your Pet Has Allergies

Did you know that pet allergies affect more than half of the pet population in the United States? If your pet is experiencing any of these signs, it might be time to schedule an appointment with their vet. #1: Chronic itchiness Itchiness (i.e., pruritis) is the most...

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Help Your Pet Beat the Heat

Help Your Pet Beat the Heat

As a pet owner, your goal this summer is to enjoy the sun with your beloved companion while protecting them from the dangers of heatstroke. It would help if you still went outside to play and exercise instead of placing them in your air-conditioned home all summer but...

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