How Heartworms Develop in Pets

How Heartworms Develop in Pets

While you may know heartworms are transmitted to pets via the bites of infected mosquitoes, you may not realize that mammals are an essential part of the heartworm life cycle as well. In honor of National Heartworm Awareness Month, we’re sharing how important your pet...

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3 Tips on Respecting Your Cat

3 Tips on Respecting Your Cat

Cats are not small dogs – they are their own unique species with their own personalities, quirks, and needs.  You can celebrate and respect your cat’s unique needs with a few of the following tips: #1: Give your cat opportunities to hide and perch Cats are both a...

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Pet End-of-Life Care Options

Pet End-of-Life Care Options

Knowing your pet is nearing the end of their life is heartbreaking, but understanding and preparing for their final moments can help you accept their passing. The discussion of when to say goodbye to a beloved pet can be hard, but thinking about end of life...

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4 Holiday DIY Pet Toy Ideas

4 Holiday DIY Pet Toy Ideas

Pets are wonderful gift recipients. Make your pet’s Christmas special by crafting one of these four fun DIY gifts.   #1: Design a peekaboo puzzle for cats Find a sturdy cardboard box that can support your cat’s weight and ensure it isn’t more than a few inches...

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