Christmas Tree Safety Tips for Pets
Your Christmas tree likely steals the show each holiday season, outshining the other festive decorations. But, your showstopper holds a host of hazards for your furry pal. When decking out your tree this year, be aware of the following potential safety issues for pets...

Common Cancer Signs in Pets
With pets living longer than ever, there’s a higher risk of cancer development in old age. But, by knowing the cancer warning signs, you can quickly detect abnormalities and schedule a check-up with us. Our team at Latah Creek Animal Hospital has put together 10...

5 Reasons to Adopt a Senior Pet
November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month and we want to highlight these awesome pets! Senior pets tend to be overlooked at shelters, but they can be the perfect addition to your family. Our team here at Latah Creek Animal Hospital has put together five reasons to adopt a...

Reducing Your Pet’s Tick Exposure This Fall
Fall is in full swing here in Spokane, Washington. Even though the temperatures are dropping, ticks are still active this season. In addition to keeping your pet on year-round tick prevention, check out these three ways to minimize your two- and four-legged family...

3 Pet Halloween Costume Hazards
Are you getting into the spooky spirit for Halloween? If you're planning on including your pets in on the festivities by dressing them up in costume, here are some considerations to think through first. #1: Ensure you purchase the appropriate size costume for your...